Saturday, June 19, 2021

Things to do as a county USCDA chapter leader


Recruit new members in your county.

Contact your county sheriff. Find out if he/she are a constitutional sheriff? If your sheriff is, than support your sheriff and let the sheriff know that the local and national USCDA will support them. Share what our services are and how we can help the sheriff in times of emergencies, both man made and natural. Ask your sheriff to take the constitutional sheriff survey and see to it the sheriff gets a copy of our “Letter to America’s Sheriffs. (both copies on our web site at )

If your sheriff is not a constitutional sheriff do your best to educate your county sheriff. If your sheriff shows little or no interest then look for someone qualified to run for sheriff in your county and work to support them.

Make sure that all your local chapter members are trained in CERTS. Find in your county or city the CERT hands on training program that is available to all members.

Recruit other existing CERT members in your area.

Find a CERT instructor to instruct a CERT program for your local USCDA chapter.

Attract instructors in your area to instruct and become members.

Basic areas of instruction for local members:


Disaster relief.

Basic 1st Aid

Wilderness survival

Hand gun, rifle and shot gun safety and training.

Emergency preparedness.

Map and ground navigation.

Preparing fort apache.(A safe haven for local and traveling members WTSHTF).

Bug out route.(To fort Apache)

How to prepare each members “Mission Ready Gear”.(Bug out gear)

Offer certain USCDA courses to the sheriff’s deputies and to the sheriff’s constituents (public).

Encourage members to take as many FEMA on line home study course as possible.

Have regular greet and meet activities and training opportunities for members and guests.

Encourage guests and members to become USCDA leadership members.

Idea’s & Suggestions for promoting more local members for your chapter.

Social Media Facebook, Tweeter, ETC

Set up at your local or nearest gun show.

Always have a good supply of USCDA membership applications.

Google “Meet Ups” Start your own local Meet Up page. Then recruit other like minded meet up groups in your area. There should be VFW, American Legion, local organizations, preppers, survivalist, Ham operators, CB’ers and other such groups. Attend there meetings and recruit. Wear your official USCDA Cap and uniform where possible.

See more articles by Michael Webster: